Keynotes & Workshops That Connect

Ginger transforms events into experiences, energizing leaders and teams to connect, foster belonging, and find common ground – so we build a better future together.

Connection creates community. Belonging is the bedrock. Common ground is where we’ll build our shared future.


we’re changing the world by how we work with each other – and having a whole lot of fun doing it!

"Loved it!" notes for Ginger

From the desk of

John Skretta, Administrator at ESU #6


"That was freaking awesome!

John Skretta

Ginger delivers! She is authentic, inspiring, and personable. Ginger brings an excellent combination of storytelling, personal engagement, and helpful strategies to her keynote, and it's all combined with her great sense of humor. Ginger's passion for connecting will translate to actionable insights for your audience.”

Ginger, here.

Chief Connecting Officer, Transformational Keynote Speaker, Champion of Joy and Advocate of Words. (More on that later.)

Some people tell me they wish they could bottle my energy – wouldn’t that be great?! Then we work together and they realize they have their own renewable resource within themselves. It’s a parting-of-the-clouds, “Oh-My-Goodness!” moment.

Ginger Johnson is a fun keynote speaker
Ginger Johnson is a keynote speaker that builds cultures of belonging

What about you?

If you’ve found your way here, I’m guessing you share some qualities with my favorite, like-valued clients. You’re a future-focused, fill-up-the-glass, fun-loving leader who wants:

  • Memorable experiences to support and sustain that magic feeling of an event
  • Meaning-full, purpose-full and use-full ideas for your audiences and teams to use right away
  • And the most critical: transformational time together

What if we joined forces?

This is why I tailor each experience, from keynotes and workshops to professional development and retreats, so you and your team waltz away feeling - ne, knowing - your time was invested vs spent. That you got to listen and participate and were seriously switched on and inspired - first and foremost by yourself!

So many people come to my events anticipating it’ll be a same-old-same-old speaker or workshop — being talked to or lectured at. Oof! That is NOT what you’ll get from me. At all. Ever. The work we choose to do together is about the lasting power of human connection, which shows up as people departing the event with a feeling of lightness, of “of course I can do this”, and “I remember now why I’ve chosen this community.”

In all of my work, the focus is to be an easy partner to work with, and to provide one-of-a-kind tailored experiences for you.

Here's what that could look like:

Watch Ginger Johnson's keynote speaking reel

"Loved it!" notes for Ginger

From the desk of

Isadora Badi, Vice President of Marketing, FirstService Residential

FirstService Residential

"A thought leader for our times...

Isadora Badi

In a crowded “keynote speaker” environment, Ginger Johnson is a breath of fresh air. Her focus and singular perspective on the power of connection is more relevant than ever. She is easy to work with, and I enjoyed collaborating with Ginger so she could develop a bespoke presentation for our group.”

Connectivity Canon

Why and How to Connect on Purpose

Purposeful and meaningful relationships begin by understanding the Elements of Connectivity, starting with Why + Mindset. The Connectivity Canon perfectly pairs with all my keynotes and workshops. Gift them to your whole team! (And be sure to treat yourself!) And continue cultivating a service mindset long after I say adieu.

Connection is calling.

Your adventure in connection, belonging, and common ground begins with this button. Let's connect and talk about where you and your team are headed next. Happy to be at your service.