This mug was a gift from a boss several years ago.

She kindly brought it back from her travels to me, as well as a gift to our other office co-worker. We were a compact team, setting forth to do meaningful work.
I remember her giving me the and smiling. For her generosity. For her making room in her luggage to bring it back. For her expressly thinking of me while she was on holiday.
Every time I see this mug I think of her. (Thanks Lynnae!) And it makes me smile.
The connection of simplicity is power-full.
Connection is simple. It’s about seeking the simple that helps us feel. Feel grounded, fulfilled, like we’re purposeful people doing meaningful works.
Connection isn’t complex. If it seems complex, deconscruct it. Re-examine it and find out why it feels or seems complex. Upon examination, if it’s unduly complicated – aka complex – it’s time to pause and reconsider.
Relationships are one result of connection. They’re one outcome of being willing to connect with other people.
At their best, relationships are simple. And deep and thoughtful and full of all sorts of emotions. The best ones – the ones that are positive and mutually enriching ones – are the ones that are inspired by respect, curiosity, love, fun, and positivity.
Healthy connections are not fraught with negative, conflict, perpetual resolution, or abuse. Those are not connections worth keeping, developing, putting more effort into. They’re not lopsided or frustrating or dangerous or even empty. Those are the ones I detach from. If there truly isn’t an overwhelming amount of positive, it’s time to cut it loose, let it go, put it out to pasture, cut it off.
Positive begets positive.
Negative begets negative. Drama begets drama and anguish and downward goes the spiral.
Like someone once told me, “Life’s either very short or very long.” It’s a truth I choose to live by and offer you today too.
We get to choose how and with whom we connect to make it great. Connection is entirely up to us. And most critically it starts with us.
Start with yourself – know when and how you are your best person, what’s going on in your life when you’re feeling good, doing good, are ‘arriving at happy’ as my dear friend Tia teaches. Know when you have work to do – when there are more grey clouds that you let overshadow the sunshine. Get help when you need when you need it; that’s being really willing to build your most positive, capable connected self. Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially.
Choose connection. Choose your mug.