How would you complete this sentence:
“I speak _______ people.”
If you’re focused on serving and connecting, the right words are ‘for’ or ‘with’ – NEVER ‘to’ or ‘at.’
‘To’ is directive – it’s a lecture to speak TO or AT people. The delivery = monologue.
To connect is to interact. The Connector’s Mindset in speaking as a delivery modality and all work = for and with.
The best speakers in the world know that speaking, even with the primary pro speaker delivering, is still a dialogue in execution.
You can garner the mutually advantageous dialogue with prompting audience interaction; by reading body language – and modeling body language; by talking with audience members (as I always do).
In so many ways, professional speakers who are dedicated to excellence in their craft seek ways to engage audiences in the event.

When me and my team are working with our client partners, we’re vigilant in working with and for because when we do so, their purpose and ours are served in harmony.
If you’re a speaker and you’re talking AT or TO, shift. Improve your skills and elevate the profession. Invite people to participate.
If you’re an event planner or executive seeking speaker/s to work with and for your audiences and teams, ask your potential speakers:
Please complete this sentence “I speak _______ people.” (the same one you read above).
It’s very telling how to know how professional speakers think about the craft of professional speaking.
How we think is how we execute.
How we execute is how we connect.