Picture this: I’m out for a stroll in a city I’m not too familiar with. It’s a cool, overcast morning—a perfect day for a leisurely walk. As I meander down the sidewalk, taking in the sights and sounds, I approach a bus stop where a few people are waiting.
Now, I have this thing about noticing details when I walk—the doors, the alleys, the people, the dogs, the posters, the windows—everything. As I reach the bus stop, I make eye contact with one of the waiting passengers and say, “Good morning.”
To my delight, they respond enthusiastically, “It’s a beautiful morning!”
Their enthusiasm surprised and delighted me. It was such a great boost. It immediately gave my day a huge infusion of humanity.
I replied, “It sure is! Make it a great day!”
“You make it a great day!” They cheered back.
I kept walking, big smile on my face. And that person kept waiting for the bus.
That brief exchange was more than just a polite greeting—it was a genuine connection.
It reminded me of how very simple and easy it is to connect—and the power we hold to acknowledge and appreciate each other’s presence, even in passing moments.
In this case, somebody was robustly inviting me to connect, even though I was the first one to say hello. Hey, it’s not a contest! It’s simply being human.
I see you.
I value you.
I hear you.
That person gave me that in spades. It was so much fun, and it was a big boost for me.
This encounter got me thinking…how often do we pass by others without a second glance or a simple hello? Connecting with someone, even briefly, can have a ripple effect of positivity.
Here’s my challenge to you:
Take a walk with intention.
Choose a public spot—a bus stop, a park bench—and make eye contact with someone.
Greet them sincerely, be it “Good morning,” “Bonjour,” or “Buenos días.”
See what happens.
Even if they don’t respond in the way you hope, you’ve given them a moment of recognition. You’ve shown that you value their presence.
And here’s the beauty of it—by extending this simple act of connection, you’re not only enriching someone else’s day but also fostering a sense of community.
The boost of Vitamin G in this is, when we show the respect and the integrity of human to human connection, then we get it back, too.
When we treat each other with appreciation and kindness, we open the door to more meaningful interactions and stronger communities.
So go and meet somebody. Say hello to somebody! Because it’s a beautiful day and connecting builds community.
‘Til next time, keep connecting!