Ginger Johnson

Seen, Valued, Heard

How do we actually see other people? How do we hold or assign a value to others? And when do we decide to listen? Robert taught me to really put my actions where my mouth is. The story of Robert is one I often share with audiences because it specifically illustrates how we’re all hungry … Read more

Connecting With Your Audience

Professional membership forums are terrific places to learn, listen, contribute and participate. A member of one association I’m a happy member of posed a recent question, which can be used for many types of audiences: “I’m working on an upcoming article on how to engage with attendees after your tradeshow or conference. Would love to … Read more

Value, Not Volume

photo courtesy of David Knapp

Quality v Quantity Depth v Numbers Connecting v Networking When we present options, often in the form of couplets like the 3 above, we make our choices easier. Is it this one or that one? When we have many options, we’re more likely to get balled up in making decisions to make decisions. When you’re … Read more

Walk + Talk = Connecting

Share The Road - Walk & Talk

If you’re going to focus on improving your connecting, focus on listening. For many months I’ve been focused on improving my listening. To that end, one option I give people for our connecting conversations is what I call a Walk & Talk. It’s exactly as it sounds: we walk while we talk, via phone with … Read more

Effective Virtual Connecting Tactics

laminated flashcards are great props

If you’re wondering or struggling with effective presentations in a highly virtual world, here’s a list of professional recommendations a course organizer recently asked me for (after I audited a few of their classes). 1. Having the team take courses on how to effectively present, both in-person and virtually, would be wise. 2. The tempo … Read more

Activate POW

POW by Ginger Johnson

If you’re feeling out of alignment right now, wonky from the effects of the pandemic, it’s time to learn and activate POW in your life. Here’s what they are: Positive = the mindset we choose to adopt in order to live our best lives Objective = judgement suspended, curious and interested Willing = ready and … Read more

Today: ReConnect

Commit to Reconnecting Ginger Johnson

Too often we’re told to keep seeking More More More. To quantify our relationships, to focus on volume. Don’t even get me started on ‘funnels’…. I keep mine in my kitchen, thank you very much. Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “You already know all the people you need to know, to build the life and … Read more

Connecting over Dinner

Ginger Johnson, courtesy of Lauren Dahn

Meals People Food and Beverage Gathering Hosting Dinner Parties Connecting All of these are related. They’re all tied to how we connect, human to human. I was writing this morning about human connection, specifically what it means to connect over dinner. Even more specifically, at a dinner party. The din of a dinner party has … Read more