Ginger Johnson

Banking on Connections

Bank on Connecting, Ginger Johnson

How many states have you lived in? My count so far is 8. Every time I moved to a new state and city, my Dad helped me find a bank. He didn’t actually go to the cities so how’d he do it? Well, he was an architect in his professional career and his specialty was … Read more

“Tell me about your Mohawk”

That was his first question. And it’s not the first time someone has inquired about my hair. In fact, the Mohawk style haircut for me has been an incredible connection point.  People I’ve had the pleasure to encounter all over have been compelled to comment, share, inquire and compliment. One person in an airport even … Read more

Connecting Do’s and Don’ts

Connecting Do's and Don'ts Ginger Johnson

Do’s: Make all your invites to connect personal. Using pre-formed phrases by platforms are easy to see through and if you are truly wanting to connect, each interaction is a unique one – hence, it requires individual effort. Choose who you want to learn about, thoughtfully. Being selective, like Priya Parker teaches in her brilliant … Read more